A Conversation for Conventional Thinking - Part One

To long

Post 1


It as been way to long since my last convention.
I still have fond memory's of my first con it was a long time ago me and around 30,000 other people from all over the world* invaded Longleat house way back in 1983 for 20 years of Doctor who.

*I met people from the United States and New Zealand that had come to England just for the convention.

To long

Post 2


(Phew - thought for a mo' you were saying the article was too long!)

My previous con was the first Manopticon at Easter 1991. Not, I have to say, a really stellar occasion (though Cornell thinks it was the last truly great DW con). This one was much better: more to do, better atmosphere, better technically. Even if, like last time, most of the guests were suspiciously absent from the closing ceremony having cleared off midway through Sunday morning...

To long

Post 3


The one at Longleat was possibly the best convention of all time.
I mean all of the doctors except Hartnell* were there and quite a few of the cast from The five doctors,Plus ex companions and villains.
They had the sets from the five doctors there plus props from Blake's 7,Dominick Hide,the day of the triffids and even a android called Marvin from some old sci-fi showsmiley - smiley But the main thing back then was the film tent showing old episodes (don't forget at this point home videos had not been released and repeats were few so most of the storys had not been seen since there first broadcast.)

OK it had it troubles as well i mean the BBC did not plan for 30,000 people the ques had 3 types long,very long and will i live this long.
The review in doctor who monthly said it all. "Unable to find a place to sit i leaned agaist a tree and a que formed" My friend still as not forgiven me for refusing to wait the 25 minutes on the first morning for the autograph tent to open when we were right at the front come back later i said he did the que started in a little garden at the back of the house came around the side to the front of the house and then accross 3 tennis courts he waited 4 1/2 hours

*His wife and daughter were there to talk about him.

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