A Conversation for Somewhere Under the Rainbow

Sperm Bank

Post 1


smiley - rainbow

I think we need to question if sperm banks are a good idea, for while I think lesbians and gay men should be able to bring children up, I still think that the child needs to know, certainly later in life, who is their mother and father.

Unions of two women and two men are quite able to bring children up with love and respect, more so than some hetrosexual parents who never wanted children, and have no time to show them love and respect.

Anyone thinking of donating sperm or going to a sperm bank for some sperm, need to think long and hard about the implications to themselves or any child that is born as a result of this.

Personally I would never donate my sperm, because I would not feel comfortable knowing that a child of mine was in this world and I did not have a say in how they are brought up, or being able to protect them from the world, no matter how good two lesbians may be at looking after them.

Much love, Tony.

smiley - rainbow

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