Discussion of h2g2 Language Policy

3 Conversations

There are the following questions for h2g2 dealing with foreign languages:

  1. Should h2g2 fail non-English content, or should h2g2 leave it referred until some future solution is implemented?

  2. Should h2g2 consistently deal with all non-English content, or should h2g2 allow moderator discretion to pass non-English content that they happen to understand?

There are the following FUTURE options for h2g2 dealing with foreign languages, none of which are currently possible:

  1. Have volunteer translators translate non-English content for the paid moderators to moderate. (needs tools)

  2. Allow volunteer translators to moderate non-English content. (needs tools)

  3. Move to reactive moderation of all BBCi content. (needs Ed Pol to be convinced)

  4. Pay for bilingual moderators. (needs massive quantities of cash)

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