Ghost Roasts: Red Dog
Created | Updated Nov 21, 2002
Caught with his pants down on his offline thread, and more recently at the S.T.A.T.S. Headquarters, the head of the h2g2 dogs has been caught in the full montgomery on quite a few occassions, the most conspicous being at the chap's club valentine dance. Press thePost 117! Wooo Wooo!!
As a super-hero, he has often twarted the evil plots of villians on the h2g2. Guarding Uncle Heavy is a full time job,but this is one dog that is up to the challenge!
Featured in the Museum of Natural History, Master of the practical joke, Red has been known to decorate a fan club now and then.
He also borrowed Apollo's green tights once, but returned them, slightly soiled, after his move to Oklahoma.
A sucker for a pretty face, he has numerous times captured, then released such cats as serg and sea, and has himself been captured by them. memorable encounters include one between Red and Saturn Girl,(involving whips and chains, no less!) (blackmail payment may be made to ex-rambling )
Also known as Fred Hog, The erstwhile gardener for the Chaps Club, and The Red Mage, this is one prolific pup!
A great lover of bubblebaths, Red was recently wed to Uncle Heavy in a tragically ill-fated romance. On another occasion, he engineered the short-lived capture of sea and uncovered the trueth behind the "Cat Menace"; that ancient worshippers of Bastet still wish to bring about the downfall of the human race and Rule The World!See? It's Even In Print!!
As the Red God, this shape-shifting puppy is a keen fighter. Unfortunately, his weakness for the female of any species renders him vulnerable to the machinations of his enemies. He has at times been flea-bombed, flea-dipped, dyed, stripped, collared and on occasion, even sent to the dog pound, but never neutered.
While bent on killing innocent journal entries,(Except for that unfortunate Arlechino incident...) Red is otherwise inclined to confining his mayhem to the comic. Watch out for his inventive use of fruit, and be wary of his pearl handled hopper-fed, twin barrelled, pneumatic Spud Gun and multi-purpose Dial-a-Gun ©, carried only by Red Dog or one of his 9 clones. Just distract him with a pretty face and a nice pair of...beers, and you'll be fine.
Excerpt form Commander Redder's Diary(thanks, Apollo)
Love is in the air | ~Commander Redders Journal, dated 2 years ago~ ...ahh. Henrietta! An amazing philly, what! Curves that could make a chap downright dizzy, and the view from the rear is one of exquisite fancy! I can't wait to see her again this evening... ~Commander Redders Journal, dated 1 year and 51 weeks ago~ ...Henry and I have resolved our differences. It was a downright dreadful experience, that. Who would have thought that Henrietta was really a..??.. nevermind that. I have decided to leave this place for awhile, and try to forget the whole incident... ~Commander Redders Journal, dated 11 months ago~ ...What has this world come to?! A chap can't go down the local grocery and pick up a gallon of milk in his unmentionables without being arrested now!! Surely I'm not that offensive, and that particular outfit was clean at the time! Very attractive, I would say...the red lace top fit the satin thong very old outfit of Henry's, I believe. But nevermind that. I suppose a fellow can't enjoy himself nowadays... |
Recent activities...
Currently locked in a back room of the Valhalla Inn by Saturn Girl, "Redders" has been implicated in both the Jones Soda Incident...
===For Theft of International Supply of Jones Soda!
Red Dog, aka The Dog goD, Red, Redders, etc.
(insert picture of RD here)===
===Reward: A six-pack of Sour Apple Jones, special recipe.===*
...After having been framed by Golden Thighs and incurred the wrath of Saturn girl.
We also know that Red Dog is the perpetrator of
The infamous Red Dog Incident(post 414)
of course there's the Thread that wouldn't die, And the ever popular Red Dog's Roast