A Conversation for errr some form of confused story...


Post 1

peachy-keen jellybean!

I will credit everyone involved in the creation of this confuzzled story once I've figured out how to include people in the grren box thing at the side of the pagesmiley - smiley


Post 2


To credit people on an article...

Click Edit Entry....

Go down the page... past the edit box... until you see another smaller box... above it is the title

Edit the Researcher List

There are instructions... but basically what you have to do is put each of the researcher numbers you wish to be credited in the box... missing off the U..... seperating each with a comma... making sure your number is the last... it should already be in the box...

After you have put the numbers in... your box at the moment should look like this


Click the Set Researchers button... and wait for the page to return...


Post 3

peachy-keen jellybean!

ta muchly greebs!

disclaimer 2: some parts of the story have been edited in order to seem less confusing! even though that is the whole point of the story...... oh well.


Post 4

esoteric epigram

ooooh, clever, i was entirely confused to find this in my list of entires, i don't remember submitting a story thought i, but no, cleverness indeed, for i am a contributer, a linked other, wonders will never cease in h2g2, mush to complicated and technical for me.


Post 5


Me must agree, h2g2 is full of wondrous and mystical things... ~grin~


Post 6

esoteric epigram

horay for h2g2, and all who sail on her


Post 7


Yes indeed.. Horray!!! Horray!!! ~big grin~

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