The Disappearing Story

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For the past few days I have been hearing a story in my head, which has given me a headache. I am concerned. It is obvious that this story and I are not compatible.

To make matters worse, when I try to type out the text, the words seem to disappear into a void, and my computer screen goes blank. I have repeatedly searched the atmosphere, hoping to find this void, so that I can retrieve my story, but I have been unsuccessful.

This situation could, of course, be a result of technical difficulties. If I fix the computer my troubled text will perhaps survive.

However, yesterday I decided to write the story into my notebook, with a pencil, and almost exactly the same thing happened. I say almost, because, in this case, the text remained on the page, yet the words seemed empty and lost, as if they had disappeared into a void.

I know what is happening. For many days now, while I have been wrestling with my troubled text, I have harboured a secret desire to write another work, entitled The Disappearing Story. I am currently engaged in this creation, even as I type.

Paradoxically, the text appears to be surviving. This makes me glad, and, at last, I have no headache.

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