A Conversation for Talking Point: Do Celebrities Have the Right to Privacy?

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Post 1


Knowing how to share themselves – in other words, parceling out their time between public and private lives – is probably the most important balance for a celebrity to strike.

If they’re in a public place, they have to accept a certain amount of attention and be as accepting as possible, but if they’re at an exclusive club or restaurant, they should expect their admirers to be more respectful of their privacy.

My boyfriend of two years is in a band that just recently started becoming popular and touring pretty extensively, so I have really strong feelings about this. I knew as soon as he told me he was in a band that I would have to deal with one of two eventualities: dealing with the crushing blow the band not getting signed and/or breaking up, or having to share him with fans and media.

While I’m very happy that the band is successful and touring, I’ve also watched him practically turn himself inside out trying to strike a balance. He wants me to attend his shows, but hates the fact that he doesn't get a chance beyond saying “hi” to see me. He wants to go to more shows with his friends, but he dislikes fans interrupting private conversations. One memorable moment was after a Las Vegas show - he changed quickly, waded into the audience, found me and dragged me outside so he could give me a proper greeting. We’d been outside for maybe a minute when a group of fans emerged, pushed me out of the way and started talking at him. I was glad that his performance had elicited such an enthusiastic response, but...

It’s definitely a love/hate situation and if he wants to go somewhere with me where no one will care who he is, we’ll go to one our local gothic or industrial clubs.

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