The Air Guitar.
Created | Updated Jun 9, 2002
Your typical air guitarist is male, aged between 15 and 35 and believes that Led Zepplin is the greatest sound to air to. And then there is my Dad who is 48 and likes to air guitar to our three chord friends, Status Quo <erm> But anyone can play the air guitar, it is their instrument, always ready and waiting, a friend to all. I would personally like to see traffic police wardens play more air guitar (preferably whilst on duty for a laugh! <cdouble> )
I love playing my air guitar, its my style, it suits me and no one else. This is why everyone should always have their air guitar ready to rock on with, whether its classic rock or modern punk. I like to play my air guitar whenever I hear a rythem that I like, and this happens quite a lot, just ask those who know me. I played out my first air guitar tune to Brian May's solo on 'We Will Rock You' and have been hooked ever since. As you can probably tell I'm quite a fan of Queen, especially when it comes to playing my air guitar, I recommend the openings of 'Hammer to Fall' and 'One Vision' as examples. I'm always playing my air guitar (I'm hopeless with real instruments) and often supplement it with my tennis racquet for good measure <racket1>
It takes time to master your air guitar, remember, only you are the true judge, negative comments from others are only because they are jealous of your style, take it from me as a voice of experience ;-) Your air guitar will require effort, but it will bring you a lot of smiles and satisfaction.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, cheers <cheers> and keep on airing!!! It will make the world a better place ...