
4 Conversations

I was nervous to see that the list of the United States in the guide did not carry Oklahoma, as apparently no one has written a single word about the Sooner state until now. I was nervous, because #1, I was afraid people might have forgotten that it exists and #2, That if they do in fact know it exists that they have some terribly twisted idea of what kind of state it claims to be. Oklahoma has often been accused of being a little "back woods", perhaps "out of the loop" with maybe just a hint of religious fanatisicm. Well, I am here to set the record straight. Oklahoma is in fact incredibly back woods, so far out of the loop we can't remember what the loop looks like and thumping a bible is considered a sport in most cities.

Actually, Oklahoma is a pretty nice place to live. The lakes are nice, especially the ones in the eastern part of the state. We could do with a few more species of trees. I am getting tired of the cotton woods and blackjacks. I guess our more developed parts look pretty much like all the other developed parts of the United States. McDonalds, shopping malls and one hour dry cleaners. The people are pretty friendly, the history is a mixture of pride and tragedy and the fishing is good. If you get bored in Oklahoma, you can always talk about the weather, which apparently gets bored often and feels the need to change every six minutes or so. All in all, Oklahoma is OK. (It is, it says so on our lisence plates.)

Oh, but one word of warning. If you don't like football, just keep that to yourself if you plan to visit.

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