Sentient Fish

3 Conversations

I begin by qouting the United Nations Convention of Human rights.
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." I would like to point out that if "human" was changed to "sentient" this would change everything (unless your personal religion says that humans are the only sentient beings.
A list of animal groups
We have never as a species thought it possible that any other type of creature as sentient.
This all sparked off in my mind one day at an aqaurium in weymouth.

Penguins in Antarctica
After watching the penquin sancturary and going into a display named strange but true. I first looked at some tiny boxfish. Then I saw a strange fish in a pitch black tank I looked (after reading label) and saw lots of green eyes theese were producing light but were not the eyes themselves but sacks under them. When one came into light it was grey with a black triangle on it's tail. It was called a flash light fish.


I then saw an octopus in a tank 3-4 times as big as it with a few bricks. I saw beyond this I saw Sadness.
What if?
We are not aware that we share this world with other sentient beings.
I have been seriously thinking about this so to help anyone understand this sentient means aware of itself.

A pair of hands trying to grab a fishFish in the water; a fisherman's hook.A whale and anchorA weakly electric fish.

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