A Conversation for Hanse Cronje

Great article DD

Post 1


Very good. Incidentally, was there a similar article after Ben Hollioake's death? I was a huge fan of Ben Hollioake, and am always interested in reading articles about him.

My memories of Hansie cronje are of him leading that great South African team for all that time. The line-up still has Donald, pollock, Klusener, Cullinan, Kallis, Kirsten etc., but ever since Cronje was banned there's just always seemed to be a gaping hole in the South African team and I, amongst many others I'm sure, hoped that he would be able to redeem himself in the eyes of the game and the world. it's a damn shame he'll never get that chance. Mark Nicholas wrote in the Sunday Telegraph this weekend that:

"Cronje had been disgraced, but his crime was a love of money. he wasn't a murderer or a rapist. He brought the game into disrepute, but his punishment was not a life sentence ... His actions are unforgettable, but not unforgivable. He'll never be able toe rn his redemption"

Hansie Cronje, Rest In Peace

Great article DD

Post 2

Post Team

Sadly we didn't, although he gets a short mention in one of Ormy's 'Notes' columns.

He isn't on the obits page either A278381smiley - sadface
We will have to rectify that oversight!

shazz smiley - magic

Great article DD

Post 3

Demon Drawer

Hmm. The dear old Obits page. smiley - sadface

Wonder who else I could add. smiley - smiley

Great article DD

Post 4

Great Western Lettuce (no.51) Just cut down the fags instead

Here Here.
Top article DD.

I too think it was a real shame that he will go down in history like this. To believe he was the only captain 'at it' is naive, and being the only one to have the bottle to admit it made him a bigger man than his contemporaries.

I hope he will be remembered for his cricketing ability, both as an all-rounder and a captain, rather than someone who brought the game into disrepute.

R.I.P. Hansie.
smiley - rose

Great article DD

Post 5

Demon Drawer

Interesting point that GWL I'm sure there is no way he could have been alone in doing it. So who else did get involved? And will we ever really find out now?

Great article DD

Post 6

Great Western Lettuce (no.51) Just cut down the fags instead

I think Azharuddin was involved wasn't he? Didin't he have his captaincy stripped off him a while ago?

Also - in that match versus England that is often quoted, it would not surprise me if the English boys were involved. Stewart was heavily questioned for a while wasn't he and his batting suffered enormously because of it.

I don't know who was involved, but chances are it had been going on for a long, long, time before Cronje even started playing test cricket.
Could just be the opinion of a cynic though.

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