A Conversation for Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Peer Review: A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 1

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

Entry: Games Workshop's Forgeworld - A761122
Author: Captain Zog, Jedi Knight, user of the Farce and Thingite Ambassador to the little people (Episode 2 is ACE) - U165794

Hi, thnis is my first proper guide entry, i just want your views on it, and suggestions for improvements smiley - smiley

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 2

Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent)

not bad for a first entry.

You've made a common mistake - that's the use of the first person "I" and "we". Editted Guide Entries should avoid that, but it's easily done. Just rephrase things to say "This researcher ..." or "The author believes...", etc.

Even after reading it, I didn't really know how the basic game was played. Maybe a bit more detail is needed on that. And I kind of understood the Forgeworld concept. But are these pieces only optically superior or do they enhance the game in some way? I mean, can they perform moves that the standard pueces can't, etc?


A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 3

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

Ok, I'm goin out just now but when i get back, i'll make some changes smiley - cheers though!

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 4


I agree that some more basic information is necessary. There is quite a lot about the price of the items, so it would make the entry more balanced.

Although you say that the game is like chess, it doen't give a true 'picture' of the game. As far as I know, the game can have many players, not just two. Although it is a strategy game. I've never played it myself, but I have seen it played.

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 5

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

Right, I'll make sure the changes are made this afternoon smiley - cheers

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 6

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

Ok, that's the changes made, i put in an example of a basic turn with some happenings see what you think.

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 7


It's looking great! But I know how the game works, so hopefully someone that doesn't will be able to tell you if it is a clear enough description. smiley - ok

One word about the font though - it makes it a bit hard to read.

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 8

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

Any font you'd recommend?

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 9


The normal one - you can revert to it by removing the font tags. smiley - smiley

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 10

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

ok, that won't take a mo

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 11


Looks good. smiley - biggrin

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 12

Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent)

Yes - taking shape nicely. Good job!

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 13

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

Thanks, i guess i jsut wait now until a Scout sees the article and recommends it

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 14

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

I saw it! smiley - biggrinsmiley - cake

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 15

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

There you go then

A761122 - Games Workshop's Forgeworld

Post 16

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

smiley - smileysmiley - cake

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Post 17

h2g2 auto-messages

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Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 18

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

I told you I saw it... smiley - biggrinsmiley - cake

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