A Conversation for Dilbert - The Comic Strip

A760989 - Dilbert - The Comic Strip

Post 21


You know, I'd almost forgotten this entry existed! Thanks for reminding me. Info on Mordac now added. I do remember "loud Bob", but I don't think he was in for more than a few strips.


A760989 - Dilbert - The Comic Strip

Post 22


Just some spelling errors...

-"And so, our ***protaganist*** thought 'Why not?'. And so he did."

-"She's continually unimpressed with the intelligence of the highly ***qualifed*** engineers around her - with good reason."

Other than that, GREAT!

smiley - pirate

A760989 - Dilbert - The Comic Strip

Post 23

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - biggrin That's what fellow researchers are for.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A760989 - Dilbert - The Comic Strip

Post 24

Researcher PSG

Just a point for a footnote (possibly) wasn't there alot of fuss about Tina the technical writer? About her brittle (the writers description) nature being a sexist stereotype, so he used a character called antina (or something like that) to prove a point (or get on the complainers nerves).

I'll tell you something, I'm studying to be a programmer and when we got lectures on industrial placements the lecturer kept using Dilbert strips to illustrate standard industry practice smiley - smiley

Researcher PSG

A760989 - Dilbert - The Comic Strip

Post 25


Great entry on a wonderful strip. I have nothing to add to the previous comments except 'well done' and 'to the Edited Guide with it'! smiley - ok

I first saw 'Dilbert' about three years ago, just after I'd been sacked from a job at a company that had previously made my life sheer hell - sorry, sheer heck! I found the strip highly theraputic, because it illustrated so clearly that other employees had to put up with the sort of madness I'd been through. (Mind you, Dilbert's PHB is nicer than mine was). smiley - monstersmiley - yuk

A760989 - Dilbert - The Comic Strip

Post 26

The Frog

First off, if that statement about Dilbert being a relative unknown in Britain, then WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???? smiley - monster

OK, your article's good. But I am rather unsure of whether this is a legitimate point or not: The entry seems to be "talked" more than it is "written". However, noticing that I'm the only one pointing that out, I'm going to assume that the writing style is proper. I'd also like someone here to confirm that please?

But all in all, I really enjoyed reading that! (insert a smiley of a yellow face with a thumbs up here, I'm too lazy to do it)


A760989 - Dilbert - The Comic Strip

Post 27



I don't have a problem at all with the writing style at all, I've just re read the writing guidelines, and English Usage in the Edited Guide help pages, and I really can't see what the problem is, depsite it being not usual edited guide style. There are unconventionly writen articles in there, this one was on the front page recently A742655. After all write in your own style is one of the Guidelines.

The only thing I'd like to ask is why not put a sentance about Noram Solomons views, after all they are a serious Marxist inrterpretation of them. Whilst you may not agree with it. I think it's worth a sentance or two rather than just an aside, in the interest of balance.

Feel free to tell me to shove off if you want, and if you had a reason for leaving it out then that's fine and dandy.

A760989 - Dilbert - The Comic Strip

Post 28

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Style's fine. Great entry. smiley - biggrin

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A760989 - Dilbert - The Comic Strip

Post 29


Really nice entry, this. smiley - smiley

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Post 30

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Post 31


smiley - bubbly and congratulations!

I was wondering how long more this entry would be in Peer Review..

smiley - cheers
smiley - rose

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 32


smiley - bubbly in the cubicles! Well done! smiley - ok

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 33



smiley - cheers


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 34



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