
2 Conversations

There are many things in this world that are purely subjective, such as the truth in religion; quality of television programmes; and the absurdity of Dr Seuss; but, unless you are one of the most ardent sociopaths, murder is considered counter-productive. Killing two women with a rock is about as far away from socially acceptable behaviour as you can get, despite what any anarchistic proverbs might claim.

Murder can probably best be defined as the act of killing, be it by knife, gun, candlestick, or lead pipe, if there's a corpse at the end of it and you were responsible... generally it's murder.

Murderers often get some stick from the tabloid press, what with all that slaughtering and human mutilation. Some, however, are regarded as role models for the youth of today (apparently). Take "Mad" Frankie Frasier, who rakes in the cash in all his TV appearances, or The Krays who, although terrorising South London with violence and crime, were "real gents", they wouldn't kill you unless you "really deserved it".

So in closing murder=bad.

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