A Conversation for Learning Chess - an allegorical tale

Peer Review: A759729 - Learning Chess

Post 1

Frankiemouse - currently deciding on a new nickname tag

Entry: Learning Chess - A759729
Author: Frankiemouse -Defender of the Norwegianness of Fjords, Special Sincerity Squad - U189734

Appreciate any comments.

A759729 - Learning Chess

Post 2

Researcher 188007

Hiya Frankiemouse,

I like idea of telling a story - it provides a good introduction to the chess pieces and their moves. There's a bit more to learning how to play chess than just the moves, but it's a nice start. I don't suspect new players need to learn about the pawn's double move or en passant rule, or castling really, so those needn't be included.

You'll need to put a link to A73270 (the main Chess entry) somewhere.
Finally, perhaps you could change the title to 'Learning How Chess Pieces Move' or something similar.

All the best,
smiley - smiley

A759729 - Learning Chess

Post 3

Frankiemouse - currently deciding on a new nickname tag

Thanx for the comments.

Will do.

smiley - smiley

A759729 - Learning Chess

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Frankiemouse!

I'm in the process of teaching chess (sporadically) to my six year old. I like the parable. I think the piece should be renamed 'Learning chess: a parable'.

Personally, I found that it was really easy to teach him how the pieces move. Getting past that has been a difficulty. Plus, he doesn't like his pieces being taken, even if I point out that he can take me back. This has resulted in him knocking all the pieces over.

(Now if you have any tips to get beyond that! I suspect I'll just have to wait a little until he matures.)

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A759729 - Learning Chess

Post 5

Frankiemouse - currently deciding on a new nickname tag

Thanks for the comments

I don't know what to do about teaching a child...um...not to behave like a child!!

Anyway, I like the Parable idea, but I think Allegory would be a closer idea.

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smiley - smiley

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