Fingermouse and Fingermousing

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Fingermouse was a cardboard mouse featured first in the children's TV programme Fingerbobs, and then in its own series, imaginatively titled Fingermouse.

If you are fortunate enough to possess your own Fingermouse, you need to know some important information. This information will prevent your Fingermouse from getting hurt, and will help you enjoy more fully the time you spend with your Fingermouse. Your Fingermouse is an essentially delicate creature. He will not take well to being roughly handled, drenched, scribbled on, sat on, dropped or otherwise mistreated. If you see a Fingermouse being abused, please report it to the FPS (Fingermouse Preservation Society, U194394).

Fingermouse is very friendly. People who force the Fingermouse to be hostile or aggressive contrary to his nature, ie jabbing other with his pointed nose, may be subject to disciplinary action by the FPS.

How to Fingermouse:

Fingermice don't /appear/ to have any practical applications, but they do have their uses. They are excellent for sparking off conversations with friends. They are also a talking point if you keep yours on display. However, a Fingermouse's most amusing use is in helping you become a Bus Weirdo.

All you really need is the Fingermouse. Gently creep it over the back of the person sitting in front of you. When they turn round, tilt the Fingermouse so it looks like he is looking quizzically at them. Then, give a big grin.

A word of warning: Deploy it wisely. It makes no sense to Fingermouse the flat-headed guy built like a gorilla, or the mouthy, overconfident teenage buff. The best people to Fingermouse are the good-natured folk who will take it all in their stride, possibly feel sorry for you and strike up a conversation, and take you home for a free lunch.

Second word of warning: Never Fingermouse a person more than once, unless you know them. Repeated Fingermousing is annoying and liable to result in a smacking. Feel free to Fingermouse friends as often as you wish - they know what you're like anyway.

PLEASE DON'T Fingermouse people just to freak them out. It's not big or clever, and it's irresponsible. It is possible to be silly without being a nuisance.

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