
3 Conversations

Ahh, my home town of Stockport, what a curious place it is. On the surface, commercialisation is rife in a quirky kinda way, but if you look a little deeper you'll find some of the wonders of the modern world. We have a pyramid don't you known, admittedly its blue and made of glass, but its big and looks quite impressive. We also have a really cool town hall, library, an indoor/outdoor shopping area (its actually quite pleasant, cool in summer and warm in winter) and it has a massive train carrying viaduct (I can here the gasps already). Though it was alot greener in the old days (14 years ago) its still a nice place to be in my opinion.

Ahh, my home town of Stockport, what a curious place it is. On the surface, comercialisation is rife in a quirky kinda way, but if you look a little deeper you'll find some of the wonders of the modern world. We have a pyramid don't you known, admittedly its blue and made of glass, but its big and looks quite impressive. We also have a really cool town hall, library, an indoor/outdoor shopping area (its actually quite pleasant, cool in summer and warm in winter) and it has a massive train carrying viaduct (I can here the gasps already). Though it was a lot greener in the old days (14 years ago) its still a nice place to be in my opinion.

I urge fellow researchers, particularly those fond of alcoholic beverages to come look see.

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