A Conversation for Laziness

How to distinguish

Post 1

Evil Bobchan

I'm naturally lazy. Not to the same point as you my friend but getting there. Anyway, I've got exams coming up. Is it better to cram at the end, or should I have been less lazy throughout the term in small blocks so I can be lazier now?

How to distinguish

Post 2

Jim the Wonder Llama (back from yonder)

I've found tis far better to cram at the end. This gives you an excuse not to move from your bed when your friends call around wanting to do something active.

How to distinguish

Post 3

Evil Bobchan

I'm on the piss after finishing my last exam. I've taken numerouse proplus (see my page) and managed to stay up all night to revise....

How to distinguish

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Of course, the truly lazy way to do it is not to revise at all, and just see how much you can remember in the exam itself. Unless you're an extremist, in which case you may not even bother to turn up for the exam.

How to distinguish

Post 5

Evil Bobchan

How about going to the nice quiet exam hall to *get* some kip smiley - smiley

How to distinguish

Post 6

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

That's one way of looking at it... couldn't you just kip at home, though, and then you could save all the bother of getting dressed and going out?

How to distinguish

Post 7

Evil Bobchan

Why bother going to uni in the first place...

Thus is going to regress to why bother getting out of the womb smiley - smiley

How to distinguish

Post 8

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

My mother assures me that I was a week late in getting out of the womb. I therefore suggest that true laziness is instinctive and cannot be learned in later life. Or something.

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