Races of the World

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Note that this list is far from definitive. The races shown below are just a selection of those that can be found in the World.

The Realms of Men

The Empire

The Empire was formed after Evadia lost much of its land in the War of Chaos. The Empire now rules almost all the land in the Northern continent, stretching all the way from the Tundra in the north, to Vulcania in the south. They have ruled the Northern Continent of the old world for almost 4,000 years, and are widely accepted to be one of the most technologically advanced civilizations in the world.

Culturally speaking, the Empire is extremely diverse and almost impossible to catagorise, although medievil European is probably an accurate comparison.


Evadia was the original empire of man. It was Nuln, there leader, who united the tribes of men, and forged an invincible army. However, the War of Chaos all but destroyed Evadia, and are only a quarter of there original strength. They still have an impressive navy, however, and there evadian steel is the strongest steel in the world They are known as a mercenary kingdom, due to their habit of hiring mercenaries to fight for them, rather than raising armies of there own. Because of this, Evadian Gold Coin is one of the most powerful currencies in existance.

Evadians by nature are very direct, in both actions and language. They use the same language as the Empire (Imperial, Evadian Dialect), but lack the 'Thou' or 'Thy' that much of the Empire still use. They constantly boast there prowess as a nation; something that they well deserve.


Azuma is found on the Southern Continent of the Old World. It resembles ancient China and Japan of our world in terms of clothes, lifestyle and military equipment. Dragons are worshipped as gods in Azuma, and it is one of the few places where Dragons still exist today. It is constantly attacked by Chaos from a remove island far to the northeast, as well as Skaven and Beastmen from the west.

There language is Chinese, but many people (merchants especially) speak Imperial as a second language. They value honour over all else, and will fight ferociously to retake any land lost in war.

The Elves

The High Elves

The High Elves are the most direct descendents of the Eldar. They live in a remote island land called Ulthuan, and are well versed in magic and war. All Elves could be called beautiful in the eyes of men, but the High Elves are more beautiful than most. There are none who can equal a High Elf mage in the art of magic.

There language is Elven, a language that is extremely difficult to learn for non-elves. High Elves are proud and arrogant, but also mournful for what they have lost.

The Dark Elves

Where the High Elves are kind and beautiful, the Dark Elves are mean and sadistic. They perform horrific tortures on their victims. They dwell in Middle Earth, in a cold, bleak land called Naggaroth. While they can still be called beautiful, there looks match their personalities; there beauty is harsh. They often have pale skin and sharp features that look like they were chisselled out of granite. They hate the High Elves with all their being. Pray they don't take you alive...

Dark Elves use a debased form of Elven, simmilar in many ways, but far harsher and cruler; as akin to Elven as the Dark Elves are to there High Elf kin.

The Wood Elves

The Wood Elves live in secluded forests far from prying eyes. They are good scouts and deadly marksmen. Few who stray into their forests come out alive. They are secluded and secretive, prefering nature over technology. They are rare outside of their forests, but it is not unheard of for some to travel, and they can sometimes be found as pathfinders in the north of the Empire.

Like the High Elves, they speak Elven; though each forest has its own dialect and modifications to the language.

The Sea Elves

The Sea Elves, also known as the Elven Corsairs, have dedicated their lives to the seas. They are the vost varied form of Elves, and they encompass everything to the viscious Sea Dragon Corsairs of the Dark Elves to the Lothern Sea Guard of Ulthuan. Known Corsair groups and their loyalties are; The Sea Dragon Corsairs (Dark), Kraken Corsairs (neutral, favouring Dark), Trident Corsairs (neutral), Leviathan Corsairs (neutral, favouring High), Lothern Sea Guard (High).

Other Races

The Tau

The Tau are a young race, easily destinguised by their flat, simple faces and blue skin. Tau have no noses, but instead have a ridge of inwards-folded skin. The nose is built into the sides of this ridge. They are found in the forests and plains of Middle Earth, but some have been known to travel further afield. They have evolved far faster than any other race, and since the Battle of the Nine, some 5,000 years ago, they have developed into a technological level comparable with Evadia or Azuma (It took Evadia evadia almost 8,000 Years to reach there current level of technology). They favour simpler weapons, such as bows. When they do employ blackpowder weaponry, they prefer Carbines (rifles built for cavelry), which are usually used by Waywatchers or Tau officers.

The Tau have a distinct language that is, for purposes of translation, more akin to Imperial than any other, though noticably different. However, Tau names are noticably different than any other language. A Tau's name tells the listener his birthplace, social position and rank in cast (eg: Sergeant in the Army, Naval Captain, etc.). It is not uncommon, therefore, for a Tau to change his name several, even dozens of times during his or her life.

The Kroot

The Kroot are a very unusual race. They are carnivors who feed off the flesh of freashly killed, or sometimes still living creatures. However, the Kroot have the ability to absorb traits from their victims. For example, a Kroot that repeatedly feeds off Orcs will become more resistant to damage (as well as showing a drop in intelligence). However, only the Kroot leaders, known as Shapers, can cause these evolutions. The Kroot have very little skill in magic, and while all Shapers have the ability to nullify magic, only Master Shapers can cast spells, and even then only weak ones.

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