Salaam Namaste

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Salaam Namaste — An Ideal Youngsters' Dream?

I'm not a big fan of the mainstream Indian movies — or 'Bollywood' movies, if you prefer. Never was. The problem with these films is that most of them appear to be divided in two very distinct parts. The first part is the good
one. Usually the guy meets the girl and they fall in love. It involves the relationship more than anything. The second part is the one full of problems. There's particularly loads of crying about stupid things. I suppose that's an ingredient for film success in India.

Salaam Namaste, the title of which is a pair of greetings in Hindi, Arabic and Urdu, is a film, released earlier this year, that I've always wanted to watch because of the actress. Preity Zinta, my favourite actress, is just
superb in this film, to put it mildly. I remember the first time I saw her in the Salaam Namaste poster. Phew. She isn't considered a sexy girl, you know, but she's amazingly cute. I never put much emphasis on the body shapes like the sex-addicts out there. I appreciate the real beauty, the enchanting smile and the lustrous hair.

Another reason — very irrelevant when compared to the first one — I wanted to watch this film was because I sincerely thought that it would break away from the other mainstream Indian films. I was partly right. Salaam Namaste is much more adventurous than other mainstream Indian films, but
unfortunately the film's second half is no match to the marvellous first hour or so.

Zinta plays Ambar, an RJ1 and has her own slot on the Salaam Namaste radio show. The actor Saif Ali Khan plays a chef named Nick.

The film begins with Nick being late to a radio interview with dear Ambar. He doesn't show up because of his inability to wake up early. Ambar is furious that Nick doesn't even bother to apologise and takes her frustration out on the restaurant Nick works at.

The two protagonists are at war, but they haven't even seen each other. They finally meet at the wedding of one of Ambar's friends, which is being celebrated on the seashore. They flirt and fall in love. When it's time to go, Nick has a brainstorm: why not ask Ambar to move with him into an apartment? After all, she's studying (to become a surgeon) and she's single. After some frustrating times for Nick while he tries to convince Ambar that it is the best idea (of course, they will have separate rooms), they eventually move into the ideal apartment. Special mention goes to their landlord, who's just like the 'Crocodile Dundee' guy.

That's it — they live the ideal new lovers' life. The boy likes the girl. The girl likes the boy. They move in together with no parents around and
live under the same roof. The relationship quickly evolves and then there is that scene: the scene where Ambar actually kisses Nick on the lips. It may not appear to be a big deal, but believe me, for the mainstream Indian film it definitely is a big deal. The ironic thing about mainstream Indian cinema is that many are now featuring near-naked women dancing under the rain, but none of them ever have the courage to show a simple kiss on the lips. Well, this one does and it was just great. Got me a little bit jealous, but never mind that...

And then there comes the inevitable second part where Ambar is pregnant. She wants the child but Nick doesn't. They split, but live in the same apartment nonetheless, each claiming that they both equally paid the one-year rent. At least there's one less bad point: there isn't much crying.

In the end, of course, it all works out the way it's supposed to.

Overall, Salaam Namaste is a very entertaining film. I won't watch it again just for the moment, only because I have the bonus DVD, packed with behind-the-scenes captures, cast interviews and even cut scenes!

To summarise it, Salaam Namaste is my personal best mainstream Indian film of the moment. And I recommend it to all of you people who are dreaming about that ideal relationship.

The Film Reviews Archive


08.12.05 Front Page

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1Radio jockey — I think that's what the abbreviation means.
1Radio jockey — I think that's what the abbreviation means.

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