A Conversation for JEREMY BRETT-the actor

Jeremy Brett

Post 1

Researcher 214304

I was blessed to have been amongst Jeremy's many friends. We met in London in March 1989 during his performance in the play "The Secret of Sherlock Holmes" at Wyndhams Theatre. Thanks for this very well-written piece; I was glad of its sensitivity as well as its accuracy. Late last year, I was privileged to have written an online memorial honouring Jeremy at Legacy Memorials. Jeremy would not have wanted anyone to be sad about it, so I kept it as uplifting as possible. It includes music, photos, poetry, a eulogy I wrote for him, and Jeremy's Guest Book for visitors to read and sign. My goals were to present to current and future generations the truly warm and caring man that Jeremy was...the man more than the actor; to provide a place where his family, friends and fans could always visit him; while always maintaining a proper respect for the Huggins family. I hope that I have been successful in achieving these goals. As it is a non-profit site, I hope it is acceptable that I post the URL of the online Jeremy Brett Memorial. Enjoy your visits.


Questions/comments can be sent to my e-mail address [email protected]

Thank you,
Kelley Sweat
Admin., Jeremy Brett Memorial

Jeremy Brett

Post 2


thank you very much-I haven't quite finished the piece but I hope to soon-he was a very special guy.

I hope to visit your site soon.

all the love in the world to you, and thank you for the information-I'm pleased to 'meet' you. smiley - smiley

smiley - peacesign

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