Lyrics Quiz 3

4 Conversations

This Month's quiz was submitted by the Happy Little Elf.smiley - elf

1. "When its Christmas out in Ho Chi Min city..."

2. "Somebody call me on the phone say hey hey hey is arty home..."

3. "Got your lipstick marks still on your coffee cup..."

4. "I won't kill myself trying to stay in your life..."

5. "She said I know you and you cannot sing..."

6. "I am everything that you regret..."

7. "I can't see much of a future..."

8. "Where is my motivation?..."

9. "They were neither up or down..."

10. "I'd like to take her home that's understood..."

11. "Selling hotdogs by disaster zones..."

12. "Once I ran to you now I run from you..."

Good Luck!

smiley - reindeer

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