A Conversation for A POEM


Post 1


may the fish run free, may it wander merrily, may it scamper 'cross the hills, may it swing from tree to tree. hey diddle diddle the cow on the griddle will soon be a burger with cheese. The little dog laughed to see such fun 'til the mouse broke its legs at the knees. Hey diddle diddle the cow did a piddle that steamed as it streamed to the ground. The little dog laughed to see such fun 'til the farmer sent it to the pound. Fiddle dee dee said the fish to the bee as the worm showed the goat a good time. The little dog laughed, but didn't do much as there's not many verbs that will rhyme. http://www.h2g2.com/A75700 for more.


Post 2


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the kings horses and
All the King's men
Had scrambled eggs for breakfast.

"You're just jealous 'cos the voices have chosen to talk to me not you"


Post 3


The everlasting fount of pain that is my arse has leaked again.
My heart lies broken, rotting, dead; my brain decays inside my head.
Wonder if MSP need a new lyricist? That sort of thing would get their weird trainee vampire fans slashing themselves in the aisles.


Post 4


F*ckin' Vogons.


Post 5


What about Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings? People tend to forget about that just because it isn't in the book.

The Pupil's Lament (a poem)

Post 6


they rearranged our classroom
and now there's not much arseroom

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