The Rules And Victors

1 Conversation

The rules for the Field Of Honor are rather simple.

  1. If a duel is already in progress, ask before joining in. This is just common courtesy.
  2. Let your opponent make a move before you do again. This keeps things from getting jumbled together, and is also fair.
  3. Be willing to take damage. If you never allow an attack to score, things grow dull quickly.
  4. Obey the laws of Continuity.

If the need for a judge is needed, you may contact any of us for an opinion. More information coming soon.

There are only two ways to end a duel.

  • The opponent cedes.
  • Both combatants call the game a draw.

The second option is by far the most common.

The rules are rather tough, which means they can withstand a little bending...

The Victors

  • No Victories Recoded, Yet...

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