How to be Funny

2 Conversations

Ah... Behold the power of Cheese.
Ok not really but hey what makes this statement funny? What do we as a people see in this set of words that makes them funny? honestly I have no idea. But what I do know is that in all the time that i have researched this topic (a total of 3 minutes) I came up with a Theorum. If you think your funny, you are not. If you think that you are not funny, you are, for a lack of words, Gut-splittingly hiliarous. Now I don't know if people are actully going to read this or not but I feel that trying to be funny it a complete and total waste of time. I believe that the word funny is a oxy-moron. There are no funny people, just people trying to be funny and doing a complete hack job on it. Now before everyone starts to throw their tomatoes and rotten lettuce let me just say that there are expections to this rule, like everything else in life.

My only advice (hey, didn't I write an article on that too?) to you is that dont try to be funny, people will laugh their heads off at you if you just be yourself and don't change to be someone you really aren't.

Until next time:
Olsen Potter

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