A Conversation for Tribute to Terri


Post 1


Some people around h2g2 have been posting links to lovely photos of Terri. It might be nice to have some of them posted here, at her tribute page.

Meanwhile, for those many friends who were unable to make it to her funeral and say their goodbyes in person, AYEBEE and I took photos of the occasion and you can view them in my Flickr album here:


It was a beautiful, loving send-off, exactly as she deserved and would have wished. Despite the suddenness of her death and the remoteness of her home, a lot of people turned up to pay their respects. She is buried in a breathtaking place: a ruined abbey on a green hill. And, as AYEBEE observes in her journal, all of Terri's dreams had come true first. She says: "she had Peter, was happy and contented, and just forgot to wake up".


Post 2

Ivan the Terribly Average

Thank you again, Snaily, for providing us all with these photos. They make for very emotional viewing.

I'm still trying to assimilate the facts of what happened. The photos are helping me to get a grip on things.

smiley - redwineIvan.


Post 3

Petsch aka Terris P

Would any of you possibly have older Photos of Terri (>2years)?
If yes, I would love to hear from you. Because of Terri's forced migrations in the past, she had lost most of her own photos.

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