A Conversation for God & Science

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A7419332 - God & Science

Post 1

John Doe

Entry: God & Science - A7419332
Author: John Doe - U248205

I wish that some bright scientist could throw some light on this.

It's really so confusing that some models seem more acceptable than others

A7419332 - God & Science

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

Hi John,

This is a good piece of work; intelligent, well thought-out and interesting reading. Nice job smiley - smiley

However, I'm not sure that the Edited Guide is the best final destination for it. It's more the sort of entry you'd find in the Writing-Alternative forum (The Alternative Writing Workshop, for submissions destined for the <./>UnderGuide</.&gtsmiley - winkeye or even in our fortnightly magazine, <./>ThePost</.>.

The reason is that it's an opinion piece for the most part, whereas the Edited Guide tends to be more for encyclopaedia type entries which can be considered a 'complete' guide to the subject.

For some reason, the EG seems to have more kudos for 'new' writers than the others, but this really isn't the case. I'd recommend you investiagte one of the other two outlets before you go further with this smiley - ok

If you need any advice, please let me know.

A7419332 - God & Science

Post 3

John Doe

Thanks for the encouraging comments Skankyrich. From what you say, the Alternative Writing Forum would probably be a good start.

As I understand it, it needs to receive the right sort of comment if it's going to go any further like the Underguide. Being new to this I naturally assumed that every entry simply gets mentioned in the Writing Guide and if selected it goes to wherever is appropriate.

I'll give it a try and see if I succeed in navigating over to the AWF.

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A7419332 - God & Science

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