A Conversation for An introduction to Chakras
Hello Lighthouse
ChiKiSpirit -- A1008604 Started conversation Oct 17, 2002
Nice entry! It complements the one I'm writing on Crystals - but then that's what Complementary Therapy is all about isn't it?
Nice one! Hope you don't mind I've already linked this into mine. Er, I s'pose I should've asked first....
Hello Lighthouse
Lighthousegirl - back on board Posted Oct 20, 2002
Thank you
No I dont mind at all - I am fascinated by Crystals but know very little about them - I will look forward to reading your entry
How did you first get into crystals?
Hello Lighthouse
ChiKiSpirit -- A1008604 Posted Oct 21, 2002
Hello Lighthouse Thanks for replying!
About three years ago my brother died. He wasn't very old, so as you can imagine the whole family was in a terrible state, especially my mother. She became very ill with angina, and couldn't stand living on her own any longer, so she came to live with me. Well unfortunately, I have to admit, that was a complete disaster. We did not get on at all well. That in turn, made me become morose, which had a snowball effect on the rest of the family.
Then one day, when I was in the Barras, in Glasgow, I came upon a crystal shop. My husband bought me a piece of snowflake obsidian, I bought my daughter some rose quartz, and I bought my mother a piece of blue quartz (recommended by the woman in the shop). I had asked for something for 'negativity' rather than for what Mum was really suffering from.
What I found was interesting was the fact that the snowflake obsidian started working for me, it helped me to face my negativity, but the blue quartz didn't work for my mother at all. In fact, she kept losing it, no matter how many times I found it for her, she lost it again. I have since discovered that that meant she did not want to/or was not ready to be healed at that time.
Of course, it could also have meant the blue crystal was not really the correct crystal for her. Seeing as she was mourning and suffering from angina, I think the crystals she should have had would have been:
apache obsidian or bornite - for mourning
a green crystal - for the heart
She now lives about 500 miles away from me, so last year I sent her distance Reiki (I think it is good to be attuned to Reiki when working with crystals). I have definately seen an improvement - she is much more positive now.
I hope that answers your question (and more besides!)
Hello Lighthouse
FALLENANGEL Posted Oct 21, 2002
hi there lighthouse and crystal girl!
hope you dont mind me gatecrashing your conversation!riystals,spirituality and so on,ave a look at my page if ya like!
hope to hear from you both soon
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Hello Lighthouse
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