Talking Point: British Wildlife

1 Conversation

A barn owl
An understanding of the Natural World and

whats in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but

great fulfillment

- Sir David

Look deep into Nature, and then you will

understand everything better

- Albert Einstein

Maybe it starts when you're a kid, your first fascination with earthworms wriggling in the soil. Perhaps it was the hedgehog that first bumbled across the lawn at night. A glimpse of animals in the wild is often one of the greatest thrills we ever experience. As adults, the sight of an otter eating a crab on the rocks or a grass snake slipping away from your footsteps into the undergrowth can bring us back to that childhood sense of utter wonder and delight.

The British Isles are teeming with wildlife and we'd love to hear some of your wildlife stories.

  • Is there one wildlife occasion in particular where you were utterly thrilled and surprised by what you saw? What's the most amazing thing you've ever seen in the wild in Britain? Please tell us about it.

  • Is wildlife important to you? Do you go in search of it? Do live near by it?

  • Does wildlife come to you? Do you cultivate your garden in order to encourage it? Do you get any regular visitors?

  • Have you ever seen anything really rare like a pine marten or a wild cat?

  • Have you noticed any changes concerning wildlife where you live? Is there less, more?

  • Recently wild boar and beavers have been reintroduced in to the UK. Is this a good thing? Are there any other animals we should consider reintroducing: wolves, for instance?

  • Is there one creature above all others that you would love to see in its natural habitat but you haven't yet managed to do so?

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