A Conversation for Puzzles, Mindbenders and Brainteasers (answers)

Puzzle No. 8

Post 1


If we reflect on what he's done,
We'll see we're not insane,
Two men in A, he's counted one,
Not once but once again.

Puzzle No. 8

Post 2


What is that supposed to mean?

Puzzle No. 8

Post 3


Well... if you look closely at the original puzzle... one of the blokes has been counted twice, so in fact there isn't anything particularly spectacular about it.

Puzzle No. 8

Post 4

Dinsdale Piranha

Not only has one of the men in A been counted twice, but one of the original 10 hasn't been counted at all.

Puzzle No. 8

Post 5


Yep, the reason for counting one of the men twice is so that it's possible to get away with not counting the last man at all...


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