The Venezuelan Weekend Coup of 2002.

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Last weekend a bizarre sequence of events unfolded. In Venezuela the popular elected Presedent Hugo Chavez was imprisoned on Friday and his 'resignation' was announced, following a long predicted coup against his government. Publicly backed by the US, the CIA, and the IMF, the new regime was headed by businessman Pedro Carmona who had been publicly groomed for the post by the White House's Otto Riech and Elliot Abrahams, after a year of build up in the nation's right wing US controled media culminating in a well planned public demonstration against the government. Then by Monday following a huge popular outcry and demonstrations which threatend the nations stability, the people of Venezuela demanded Chaves' re-enstatement, and a return to democratic government. A demand so loud and forthright, not even the US could ignore it completely. The presedent was re-enstated, and the Which House anounced that "Mr Charvez was democratically elected. Legitimacy is something that is conferred not just by a majority of the voters, however."

President Hugo Chavez was one of the most popular Presidents in Venezuelan history. Elected twice with landslide victories in 1998 and 2000, commanding the largest margin in a Venezuelan election for 40 years, and his government having more than twice as many representatives than their opponents. Venezuela, in South America, is a country of extremes, as the worlds third largest oil producer it is rich and powerful, and yet the majority of the country's population live in grinding poverty. It is perhaps not suprising then, that Chaves was a popular choice for the Venezuelans when he promised to bring in reforms to end corruption and the stranglehold of the traditional oligarchies, and to tackle poverty and bring Venezuela's wealth to it's people.

Previously Chavez, a former paratrooper with much support in the country's military (who are ultimately the country's deciding political force) had unsuccessfully attempted to hold a coup, but the democratic route proved far more successful. At least it did until it became clear that he wanted to deliver upon his election promises. The controling bodies in Venezuela were the Roman Catholic Church, the CVT trades union block and the media - all ultra right wing institutions, the political parties Democratic Action and Social Christians, and the US trained Military - these are the "oligarchies" which Chaves has vowed to root out and reform.

This entry was written within a week of the coup. As such much of the detail is sure to become distorted as the present facts become history, and hindsight gives events a different weight.

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