Asthetically Improved Proof of Gravity
Created | Updated Sep 22, 2002
Time is money, they1 say, and money doesn't grow on trees. Therefore, we can conclude that time, in its relativity to this, is also not grown on trees. But what is grown on trees?Apples, oranges, bananas, and mangos are examples of the products of our leafy friends. The most intreauging of these, I believe, is the mango, sweet and tangy at once with a thick fleshy skin and a soft, pulpy inside.By applying the above conclusions we have formed2 we may therefore also conclude by association that mangos are not time.Since time flies and mangos are not time, then we may also say that mangos do not fly since mangos are not time and therefore are incapable of flight.So, where spirits soar and time flies, mangos fall to the pavement with a satisfying splat sound.
Thank you3.