Talking Point: No Pain, No Gain

1 Conversation

The legs of a jogger, running through a park

It might be our advancing years, or the extra hours of daylight the summer months afford, but whatever the reasons, we at h2g2 Towers have been trying to get fit.

But after a few weeks1 of pulling on the pumps and pounding the pavements, we're suddenly discovering aches and strains in parts of our bodies we previously didn't even know existed. Which got us thinking about if it was actually possible to get fit without putting your body through hell?

  • So can you live a healthy life without resorting to strenuous exercise? Is gentle exertion enough?

  • Have you ever hurt yourself getting fit? Did it teach you to be more careful, or completely put you off?

  • And if it did put you off, was it the prospect of damaging something irreparable that drove you back into the arms of your favourite armchair?

  • Or are you willing to work through the pain barrier, toiling away at the gym, forging through the discomfort, if it means achieving the body beautiful?
1Or, in one Ed's case, days.

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