A Conversation for SubGenius

How can SubGenii still be relevant?

Post 1


if as the Holocaustal UFO cult The Church Of the SubGenius claimed, the world ended on July 5 1998 with the advent of the sex vessels of the space goddesses -- than how can anything claimed after that point by said SubGeniuses prove to be relevant?

More deeply it is the real fact of the emergentile and the overtly rhymed "Rewardian" sects that give the clue that it was the Holocaustal wing of the SubGenius Foundation that didn't actually matter - perhaps as undesireable -- and I mean SUBGENIUS undesireable - elements were herded off to the Holocaustal wing to be laughed at, persecuted and marginalized, understood deeply, NOT JUDGED and yet still found wanting somehow.

After all --
when a subgroup becomes as rigid, dictatorial, heirarchical and frozen as the Normal realIdgeons that it has claimed to mock, then, of course it is THAT ENTITY that becomes a morbid yuk, as the thing PICKS UP AND GOES ON WITHOUT the most notorious haters, heilers, smilers and NON IT GETTERS in the world --

As "scubabrane" deacon Peter Hipwell was quick to point out, failure was nearly inevitable. And what were they left with?

A bunch of SLACKLESS MORONS not cool enough to get a ride to their own party -- missing the point and braying the lies of the Conspiracy that they CLAIMED to have enough slack to crush...leading to the realisation that The Con chose a hiding place and it was called COINTELPRO in the years that the original Rewardians, the Discordians were writing their tell-almost-alls about the Illuminati -- long before the people who DARED BRAG about being "holocaustal" ever opened their hate-filled yaps. Jokes are funny, it's true -- but perhaps it takes someone with a Doktorate in the Forbidden Sciences to realise that people who lie about their powers of conspiracy smashing are actually weak and hate filled -- and never had as much slack as they claimed to.

As Connie Dobbs goes on eternally and "Bob" lays dead in a pool of his own vomitty comedy, we realise that the curse of the sort of liars who pretend to fight against something people care about THAT MUCH while actually SUCKING UP TO IT was just The Hollow Cost of Hell, a tell all available from ME for $1 Canadian. Just message me.

slack for all.

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How can SubGenii still be relevant?

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