A Conversation for The Observatory

TimeTraveller has found the observatory

Post 1

Time Traveller - Knights of h2g2 Astronomer - Chairman of the Society of Time Travellers

Right, now that I've found it I can get to work...

TimeTraveller has found the observatory

Post 2


Good on yer'!

smiley - ok

If you want any changes made to it, just put them here, and I'll get them set up!

TimeTraveller has found the observatory

Post 3

Time Traveller - Knights of h2g2 Astronomer - Chairman of the Society of Time Travellers

could I have a small study anexed to the observatory filled with piles of books and astronomic charts and things?

TimeTraveller has found the observatory

Post 4


You just create the page, and I'll put it in!

TimeTraveller has found the observatory

Post 5

Time Traveller - Knights of h2g2 Astronomer - Chairman of the Society of Time Travellers

hmmm... I'll see, my computer dosen't like me...

TimeTraveller has found the observatory

Post 6

Time Traveller - Knights of h2g2 Astronomer - Chairman of the Society of Time Travellers

Done it. It aint quite finnished, not linked back to the observatory, bit rough and ready, but that's the address.

TimeTraveller has found the observatory

Post 7

Time Traveller - Knights of h2g2 Astronomer - Chairman of the Society of Time Travellers

Done it. It aint quite finnished, not linked back to the observatory, bit rough and ready, but that's the address.


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