A Conversation for The Great Hall

The Tear Opens

Post 1


*Mystrunner steps out of the tear, and walks in, sits down, and calls for a smiley - tea.*

The Tear Opens

Post 2

"Ç®åz¥"Thog the (offline) Loinclothed One; Bearer of Nailguns; God of BLEEP! (join the BLEEP!Hood at U198687!!)

::a tiny speck of dust detaches itself from Mystrunner;s clothing and drifts off a bit. At a safe distance, it vanishes altogether and Thog appears suddenly in its place. Strolls casually over to Myst's table, sits down, manifests a smiley - stout and a smiley - tea, slides the smiley - tea to Myst, and takes a swig off his smiley - stout::

So!! What's all this, then?

The Tear Opens

Post 3


What??? smiley - huh Where???

*Wanders in a daze to the table and looks around the room and wishes that she'd listened to her mother who had warned her not to follow strange young men through tears in time and space*

I need a very large smiley - stiffdrink! smiley - online2longsmiley - cdouble

The Tear Opens

Post 4

"Ç®åz¥"Thog the (offline) Loinclothed One; Bearer of Nailguns; God of BLEEP! (join the BLEEP!Hood at U198687!!)

Yes.... here, have a smiley - stiffdrink
smiley - cheers

Not quite sure what all this is about yet... 'tis more than possible our pal Myst is trying to assassinate the BFG's one by one, but I don't know that yet... all I know is this is a bit of the Knights' Great Hall, which raises some suspicions... on the plus side, the dimensional tear would be a great place for us to invade from!smiley - smiley

::sips smiley - stout::

The Tear Opens

Post 5


Actually, I was going home, when you followed me. I am currently on assignment for Mr. Leigon, in order to assassinate a problematic orca whale. But the whale hasn't been seen for months, and so, I'm going to check out our Chamber Of Records for a Clue.

*Motions over a waiter.*

Here, you order something. Its free. My treat.

*The tear closes.*

Sorry about that, this area was built using space time rifts. This makes it hazardous to allow rifts like that to remain active for too long, as that they become unstable...

The Tear Opens

Post 6

"Ç®åz¥"Thog the (offline) Loinclothed One; Bearer of Nailguns; God of BLEEP! (join the BLEEP!Hood at U198687!!)

Oh. Well, smiley - bleep, that sorta takes most the fun out of it... alas.

::quaffs the rest of his smiley - stout and vanishes::

::reappears a moment later::

Er, Gwennie, just gimme a call when you want out, if you don't have another route. I'll pop back in and grab ya smiley - ok

::vanishes again::

The Tear Opens

Post 7


My apologies on my abruptness. I didn't expect many would follow. You are free to look around...

The Tear Opens

Post 8


*Has a look round and finishes her drink*

That's okay Mystrunner... smiley - bigeyes

See you back at the CP. smiley - ok

*Follows Thog through the tear*

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