A Conversation for The Great Hall

Looks around...slightly puzled

Post 1


Bit quiet round here at the moment, even the tournament field is empty. Has everyone gone off adventuring or has the castle been attacked by a mysterious disease?

Looks around...slightly puzled

Post 2


*walks in being virtually drawn here*

I haven't been in here for quite a while actually, but I haven't seen anything going on - no battles, no adventures, no anything smiley - sadface

Looks around...slightly puzled

Post 3


Used to be quite busy but no one seems to be around at the moment, even the duels have stopped.

Looks around...slightly puzled

Post 4


Well places tend to get busy for a while, then suddenly stop, then get busy again smiley - winkeye That's just the way life is... Hope it will get busy again soon enough...

Looks around...slightly puzled

Post 5


I believe that you will find a small wormhole in my Office, leading to a assimilated shooting range, leading to a cupboard. We are currently fighting Apollo, Saturn Girl, and their Borg cronies.

That's a bit of a distraction...smiley - winkeye

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