A Conversation for The Castle Anthrax - The Gateway

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 461

Aries (ACE + Badger)

smiley - laugh

*stops spinning and falls over dizzy*

Er real fight? Erm is that field meant to be moving like that?

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 462


No, it's supposed to be staying still.
I don;t think this 'real fight' thing is a good idea.
I don't want to see you guys get hurt.

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 463

Aries (ACE + Badger)

hurt? who said anything about getting hurt?

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 464


It's usually the consequence of a 'real fight'.
(don't look at me, I wasn't fighting in the first place, it was you lot with your big swords)

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 465

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Stop spinning!, stand still

*falls about the place dizzily for a moment*

and our swords aren't that big

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 466

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

*Skips most of the b'log*

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 467

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

No big deal, it's not that much.

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 468

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Only about a weeks worth of reading

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 469

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Perhaps not even that.

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 470

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I don't see what the big deal is.

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 471

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Me neither.

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 472

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Oh well

*wanders off slowly into the fields*

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 473

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

*waves goodbye*

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 474

Aries (ACE + Badger)

*ignores and carries on walking*

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 475

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

*shoots Aries in the back*

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 476

Aries (ACE + Badger)

*sits down pulls the bullet out of his bullet-proof vest and carries on walking*

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 477

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

*shoots Aries in the back with an anti-tank cannon*

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 478

Aries (ACE + Badger)

*flies over the field being pushed by the shell*

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 479

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Oh, well.

I Want To Be A Knight!

Post 480

Aries (ACE + Badger)

*shell blows up leaving a charred figure on the floor which gets up and carries on walking*

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