A Conversation for CELTIC DEVON
Devolution for Devon
Ozzie Exile Started conversation Jan 6, 2016
All of the councils in Devon and Somerset, along with Dartmoor and Exmoor national park authorities, have formed a 'heart of the southwest' grouping, and applied for a greater devolution of powers from Westminster.
This follows a government initiative suggesting more devolution can occur where local councils co-operate.
Cornwall council combined with the Isles of Scilly council to achieve this in 2015 - although the powers delegated were moderate.
Devon approached Cornwall suggesting that Cornwall join with Devon and Somerset, but apparently without success.
I am not sure I like the idea of a joint application from Devon and Somerset, rather than an application just for Devon. However, given the inclusion of Exmoor national park into the application I guess it makes some sort of logic.
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Devolution for Devon
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