A Conversation for CELTIC DEVON
"Pillow talk" from ancient times
Ozzie Exile Started conversation Mar 10, 2014
Jack Lawrence (aged 12) has discovered a stone from the 8th century with the celtic inscription "Guengnen".
"Pillow talk" from ancient times
Plym Exile Posted Mar 10, 2014
Ozzie Exile,
I wouldn't take too much notice of Oliver Padel's dating in the link. He still believes that when Ine of Wessex fought Gerent of Dumnonia in 710AD, the Celts were driven from Devon and replaced by Anglo-Saxons, despite the fact that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle makes no mention of the outcome of the battle/skirmish. Of course recent genetic analyses conducted by Sykes and Oppenheimer have conclusively shown that the population of Devon remained 78% Celtic, and that only a tiny minority of Devonians can trace their ancestry back to the 5th/6th century Anglo-Saxon invaders/settlers.
In all probability, there are several more such inscribed stones out there in the Devon countryside, but they haven't been found yet.
Plymouth Exile.
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"Pillow talk" from ancient times
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