A Conversation for CELTIC DEVON

Domesday Spelling of Coombe

Post 1


I am the first to admit that, as sources go, an article posted on the website of a country house hotel that was written in 1954 by someone who appears to have been a local amateur historian, does not seem to have much going for it.

But consider what the writer says here and its implications. The article concerns the parish of Gittisham, near Honiton.

“It is interesting to note that apart from Combe, which in the Domesday Book is spelt ‘Cwm’ in the Welsh way, the only other place in the parish specifically mentioned in Domesday is the manor of Raplingshayes or Rapshayes.”


Since coming across this by accident, I have tried to find corroborating information for this ‘Welsh’ spelling of Coombe from another source on the internet, but as yet with no success.

If anyone knows how to go about verifying this I would very much appreciate it. Is there, for example, a verbatim transcript of the Exon Domesday in print? In my limited time on the internet, I have not found anything yet that could point me in the right direction.

Domesday Spelling of Coombe

Post 2


A quick look in the index of the Devonshire Association's 'The Devonshire Domesday' first published 1884-1892 reveals no entries spelt Cwm. However, there are (if I copied them correctly)...
Cvmbe 7 entries
Cvma 1 entry
Cuma 1 entry
Cumbe 5 entries
Comba 9 entries
Combe 1 entry
Coma 6 entries
and possibly others I missed.
There were also numerous entries with these and other spellings (e.g. com & cum) as elements of longer names.

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Domesday Spelling of Coombe

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