My Life As A Spiritual Ainu Among Historically Recent Immigrants
Created | Updated Nov 22, 2005
My Life As A Spiritual Ainu Among Historically Recent Immigrants
Well, not really truly, although it might be fun and it does provide an interesting title, which is what this place needs more of, don't you think? N'cha!
Apparently, I am White.
Apparently, this means that I am not supposed to know about
various things, such as, ahem, Black music.
Twice within the last week I have been asked why I have
in my personal collection music that is Black.
I was asked this by the WR and by one of my co-workers,
a black woman over 45.
I am a guitar, um, player. I study the guitar and the history
of it and some of the best players who ever lived were and are
End of story.