A Conversation for A really big llama

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 1

Researcher 168963

Go on, own up smiley - smiley

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 2


I did!

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 3

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

I did too smiley - ok

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 4

Researcher 168963

I wasn't expecting anyone to actually admit it smiley - smiley

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 5

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

I have to admit, I have a special place in my heart for llamas. Ahhhhh.
Covert Bob looking rather dashing in his new tuxedo, the best and most practical outfit for covert ops.


Post 6

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

This post has been removed.

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 7

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

smiley - erm Somebody post some horrific anti-llama diatribe or something?

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 8


Hmmm ... I would like to know what that was, too!

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 9

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Its not really a particularly controversial subject after all - its a llama, its quite big, and a few people have looked at it. ah well smiley - shrug

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 10

Researcher 168963

Who's been writing unsavourary things about my llama? smiley - cross

*Looks suspiciously at Covert Bob...*
*Visits his list of conversations...clicks on his post to this forum...arrives at hidden post*

Moderators just seem to follow you around, don't they?

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 11

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

perhaps s/he/it got moderated for spitting in a forum??

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 12

Tonto BA (Hons)

I looked at the Llama too.

They played a big part in Sim City I recall.

And it is a big llama too.

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 13

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

I always assumed that the reason that Llamas played such an important part in SimCity2000 was something to do with Jeff Minter, author of the truly awesome shoot 'em up Llamatron, which came out originally on the .. oh heck, what was it now.. possibly the amiga, damn I dont remember. Anyway, Jeff Minter is a programmer who had been around for ages when Maxis brought out SimCity2000, and who has an obsession with Llamas- he may even have adopted one as a pet somehow I seem to recall reading somewhere. CLose inspection of the credits for SimCity show Jeff Minter certainly did something for the game, but as far as I remember his exact roll was left pretty vague...

smiley - cheersvp

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 14

Tonto BA (Hons)

What excellent quality friday night info! smiley - cheers I did always wonder. smiley - cool

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 15

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Hello. I deny writing anything unpleasent about the llama. If I recall correctly, that was BBBB. And I know for a fact that he didn't write any naughty about the llama. But fear not. The moderators will no longer stop me in my quest to save the world. From now on I will leave stealth hedghogs on all my postings. These sneaky little creatures are completely invisible to moderators, hence they step on them and hurt their feet. If they detect anyone else, they will roll over so you can safely step on their soft underbelly.

Covert Bob, trying to remember where he parked the stealth bus.

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 16

Tonto BA (Hons)

smiley - erm

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 17

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Get a hold of yourself man! Don't just stand there looking as though you've been slapped with a pair kippers. The moderators could be here any moment. Don't you know theres a war on???

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 18

Tonto BA (Hons)

But...the Llama. Its just so big.

Who will protect it from the mods then<?> The Hedgehogs<?>

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 19


The hedgehogs protect us from many things. When thhey fail, the good old kalishnikovs come in handy. The moderators are after us right now, delving into things they do not understand...
We'll deal with them.

Who's looked at the llama then?

Post 20

Frothblower (formerly Kazak, trying out a new name for size)

It's a wonderful Llama smiley - bigeyes. How did it get so big? I do hope genetically modified organisms aren't finding they're way in. By the way, hedgehogs like cat food - the bread and milk we usually make them eat can make them ill.

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