A Conversation for POETRY

You did it!

Post 21

Doug Dastardly

Well, films too, but not too serious either, books of course and then I'm a prize dabbler... I tend to get into one thing then another! You know how it is! smiley - smiley

You did it!

Post 22

Ginger The Feisty

So what's your favourite film and your favourite book? Do you do anything creative? Do you travel? Come on, enough about me. It's your turn to answer questions! smiley - winkeye

You did it!

Post 23

Doug Dastardly

Favorite film.. well, I've got a few, mainly sci-fi... I did like Titanic, LA Confidential I liked, It's hard to say - I have pretty wide tastes I think smiley - smiley Depends what mood I'm in! I really used to like Max headroom the TV series... I've not really traveled very much 0 been to the states (florida) and Amsterdam for a stag weekend! That was an experience! I used to dabble with computer graphics (I used to do graphics for games when I was at college).

You did it!

Post 24

Ginger The Feisty

I thought Titanic was good too but haven't seen LA confidential.

I did Florida about 4 years ago and have done barbados, France etc

I remember Max Headroom. He was cool! So what graphics did you do? Any games I would know?

You did it!

Post 25

Doug Dastardly

What's your favorite film then? Can you name one?

I've done the trip to france bit too - and as a kid we travelled alot -holland, italy, canada but I was only 2/3 at the time!

I did some graphics for a game called the last stuntman - basicly a couple of figures wrestling for a parachute.. then one of them crashing through a barn roof and sheep running out! I've done some other icons and button and things - but nothing exciting!

Oh, and Twin Peaks was good too smiley - smiley

You did it!

Post 26

Ginger The Feisty

I kind of lost the plot of twin peaks near the end. My favourite TV programme is Southpark. As for films, probably 4 weddings from the modern ones. Shakespeare in Love was good as well. In fact I went to see it twice!

Have you seen the exploding sheep screensaver. it's excellent!

You did it!

Post 27

Doug Dastardly

I've not seen Shakespear in Love... although I'd like to, and no, I've not seen the exploding sheep screen saver. (I kind of missed the whole south park thing too!) Cor, am I useless or WHAT!

You did it!

Post 28

Ginger The Feisty

It did kind of kill that line of conversation!

Ok, second choices are: Kiss me Kate (film), and Men behaving badly

You did it!

Post 29

Doug Dastardly

Oh yeah man behaving badly is excellent - I've not seen kiss me kate either! Liked the first series of Game On, but I though that lost the plot a bit - didn't really like the new bloke in it!

You did it!

Post 30

Ginger The Feisty

No, same here. Sex and the City was good and I'm a big Ally McBeal fan but then I am a girlie!

You did it!

Post 31

Ginger The Feisty

No, Same here. Sex and the City was good and I'm a big fan of Ally McBeal but then I am a girlie!

You did it!

Post 32

Doug Dastardly

I liked those too, Ally Mc Beal most, so I don't know what that says about me! I used to like friends, but I got tired of that...

You did it!

Post 33

Ginger The Feisty

I just posted a message here and then the screen went blank and it didn't appear on the forum - Just wondering if that ban has come into effect!

Someone has left a note on my home page to suggest we use an ICQ but I'm an accountant and the only ICQ I know is internal control questionnaire which doesn't make sense!

You did it!

Post 34

Ginger The Feisty

POETRY is on the front page! Yay, take a copy quick for posterity!

Gate-Crashing the Party

Post 35


Just thought I'd say hi... and interrupt a current converastion (the forum was on the front page, and it nearly gave me a heart attack when I saw you here...even MORE scrolling!

Gate-Crashing the Party

Post 36

Ginger The Feisty

Hi caleb so do you think the article is good enough to be rejected?

Gate-Crashing the Party

Post 37


I've not read it yet, but I will in a minute...zip on over to my site for some more (possible) Guide Entries. I have more than just 5, so click Show All User Pages...some have recently rejected (yay!), and I want to improve them.

You did it!

Post 38

Doug Dastardly

ICQ would be a way of being able to directly chat (in private) without using these Forums. I've been aware of it before but I've never installed it. (Looks like it might be time to do so!) Hehe, and poetry is on the frontpage too.. Well, logging on now, nonw of out forums are there, so I think we're safe for now!

You did it!

Post 39

Doug Dastardly

Are you sure you didn't black out from the excitement? No, probably not! I had problems with my ISP. I lost all connection to the internet!

You did it!

Post 40


They really ought to put a chat room here. Just a general one would suffice.smiley - smiley

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