The Citgo sign

1 Conversation

No, this is not a new sign of the zodiac. Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts, where the Boston Red Sox play baseball, has a number of distinctive architectural features. One of these is in fact not a part of the ballpark at all. It is a large sign advertising Citgo gasoline, that stands atop a building across the street. The sign lights up in various ways at night, and adds a bit of Las Vegas to the sotherwise stoic Boston ambiance. Red Sox fans have become attached to this sign to an inexplicable degree. When Citgo considered removing the sign, public outcry made them change their minds; plans for a new park to replace Fenway have been made so as to ensure that the Citgo sign will still be visible. Some years, watching the sign has been more enjoyable than watching the game. When petrochemicals are rendered obsolete, I wonder, will the Citgo sign still stand?

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