Cooking a Simple Spaghetti Dish

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This is an instructional article on how to cook a very simple but effective spaghetti bolognese. Any people like myself who can't cook but are faced with the dilemma of cooking or starvation (or eating even more junk food) will hopefully appreciate this.

The Supermarket

The trick with supermarkets is to have a clear idea of what you actually need before you go in.
You may even have to resort to a list if your the type who is easily swayed towards the impulse buy.
For my spaghetti you will need:
Spaghetti - a medium sized pack I usually buy Roma don't know why it's probably cheapest.
Bolognese Sauce - I get a jar of Dolmio Bolognese sauce and sometimes when I'm feeling wild I get the latter with extra vegetables.
Mince Meat - One of those regular trays of lean beef all minced up will do the trick
Oil and Salt - Your bound to have these already if not I'm afraid you will have to buy these too.

The Cooking

1) Get a big saucepan fill it to about 3/4's and then put it on a hotplate on the cooker. Add some salt if you want, a pinch will do. You can put a little oil in too if your feeling ambitious but I don't usually bother.

2) Get a frying pan and put in enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan in a thin layer. Now drop in your mince. Get a metal spachelor (I don't trust plastic cooking utensils ever since I melted one on a barbeque) and seperate and turn the mince in the pan.

3) Quite quickly your mince will go brown make sure it is completly brown or you might get food poisoning. Unscrew your jar of Dolmio or Bolognese and dunk it into the pan and notice the nice tomatoey smell it makes. (At this point a better cook might add real world vegetables like peppers and onions but I just don't bother but I leave the option open)

4) Once your sauce and mince are all mixed up and cooking turn your attention to the saucepan of water you put on a hotplate. It should be boiling quite impressively by now (unless your a really speedy cook in which case go and watch some TV for five minutes). If it is boiling add your spaghetti it won't fully submerge at first because it's to solid, but in a couple of minutes it will soften and you can stir it a bit.

5) Now leave all your elements cooking for a while you may need to turn the bolognese down a bit towards the end. To see if the spaghetti is cooked lift a strand and eat if it is still hard wait until it is soft.


When your bolognese and spaghetti are heated sufficiently you will need to serve them. Drain your spaghetti by dunking it into a coulander over the sink you'll lose a few strands to the sink probably but don't worry about it. Now serve on a plate spaghetti below bolognese on top. Enjoy.

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