The h2g2 Poem

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A pantoum is a verse form from Indonesia, presumably imported to Europe by the French. It has repeated lines and an optional rhyme scheme. A palimpsest is a manuscript in which old writing has been rubbed out to make way for new. I admit that one reason I chose the form was that I couldn't resist the weak pun in the title.

This poem is about memories and echoes, so I wanted to use a verse form with repeated lines. It is also full of the landscape I live in. I can point you out each place mentioned. However, it sounds more melancholy than I feel about this. I find a sense of strength, continuity and groundedness in living where my roots are. But a pantoum is a demanding form and, although this is a poem I enjoyed writing, it does not quite catch what I feel. You should see the lines that got away.

The Pantoum of the Palimpsest

I drive around with second sight

these places I have lived for years;

and jet-skis race where birds took flight

in a double landscape stacked in layers.

These places I have lived for years

where past and present inter-flow

in a double landscape stacked in layers

we make our mark and come and go.

Where past and present inter-flow

new bridges leap from ridge to ridge.

We make our mark and come and go

and buy a new house with an ancient hedge.

New bridges leap from ridge to ridge.

They sell cream teas at the sacred site

and buy a new house with an ancient hedge.

I drive around with second sight.

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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