A Conversation for The Human Resource Development Process

Writing Workshop: A704369 - The Human Resource Development Process

Post 1


Entry: The Human Resource Development Process - A704369
Author: McGaggs - U189631

How do i make this entry look better?

A704369 - The Human Resource Development Process

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

The simplest way to make it look good is to use a bit of GuideML (Guide Markup Language). There are plenty of details at the GuideML Clinic, but here's a summary of the basics:

Put at the start and at the end.
Put at the start of each paragraph and at the end.
Put before each heading and after it.
Put before each minor heading and after it.
Put and around text that you want in italics.
The tag on its own (no matching tag) moves you to a new line, which is useful for quoting poetry, but don't overuse it.

There are other things you can do such as bullet-pointed lists and tables, but start with the basics.

When you have put in all these codes, you must select GuideML and click on the Change Style button. Some people forget this step.

GuideML is very fussy about the matching of "tags". If you have , you must have a matching . It's not good enough to have (lower case). Another common problem is to end a paragraph with instead of .

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Writing Workshop: A704369 - The Human Resource Development Process

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