The Art Of Fallin

5 Conversations

The Schools home on a sci-fi fantasy worldFallin is not…Fallin is not to be confuzzled with falling, which involves great heights and lots of ouch at the bottom! Eek! Fallin is in reference to fallin from space.. Oh yes I know lots of clever people are going to question the logic behind fallin from space but that’s jus because they are getting it confused with falling again lolFallin is…The art of fallin involves fallin gracefully and with style from your spacecraft into a planets atmosphere from space then beaming your self back on board before you hit anything.. Especially the ground

Early fallin contenders

The whale and the bowl of petunias described by Douglas Adams were no doubt actually early fallin practitioners who unfortunately, possibly due to the actions of the heart of gold’s improbability drive were disorientated and confused rendering them unable to beam themselves back to their ships before hitting the ground… very messy.Characters from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

How do I become a member?

Well you need to sign in for some practice fallin and if you manage not to hit anything your in!

Post here to the fallin induction centre...Fallin School MembersFallin SpaceKat (Muse of Fallin)White wizard (Fallin instructor)Gabriel Atreides (Fallin Artist)Galen (Fallin Over)

What to bring

A rocket blasting off

No equipment required tho it helps to have a spaceship and of course you really need chocolate cos it helps with the wind chill factor (well thats my excuse and i am stickin to it hehe)Its free to join but all donations of chocolate will be gratefully accepted smiley - winkeye

What style?

An alien

I have found that peeps discover their own style with practice; there are no rules (other than not hitting stuff) as fallin is an art not a sport.

What can fallin do for me?

Fallin is a form of creative expression; creative expression is chicken soup for the soul (or turnip soup if you are a veggie).

Place to hang out fallin

Join in some fallin activities and fallin locations:

Fallin ConversationsThree aliens getting to know one anotherFallin is for everyone – Kat, Museof Fallin

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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