A Conversation for United Friends of H2G2space

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Post 1

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I'm fed up of revising

Post 2

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

I've just come out of the Maths exam from hell. So don't talk to me about vectors, ot the alternative segment theorem.

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Post 3

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I'm fed up of revising

Post 4


smiley - cool a place where e**ms aren't being mentioned... does me fine!!!


I'm fed up of revising

Post 5

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

maths was hell!
I didnt know anything!

I'm fed up of revising

Post 6

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - hugsmiley - cheerup

I'm fed up of revising

Post 7

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Fire alarm went off in English, I'm going to hurt AQA examiners.

smiley - zen to nice h2g2ers who wouldn'ty write nasty ex*m papers.

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Post 8

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I'm fed up of revising

Post 9

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

I did how cool was that?
we were on about eng lit b4. but that was cool, didnt like the other excerpt, for the "housewife" men never came into it smiley - flustered
but picture of jamie oliver smiley - drool

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Post 10

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I'm fed up of revising

Post 11

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

i dont really care, considering im predicted A, if Jamie Oliver was in it all the better for me!

A2 is stressful,nevermind GCSE, what did you take?

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Post 12

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I'm fed up of revising

Post 13


I'm fed up of revising too.

My brain hurts, and I keep getting the urge to bite people, some of whom aren't really there.

And if that wasn't enough, the ants seem to be trying to take over the kitchen...

Still, one more exam to go (hooray!), and then I can concentrate my efforts on removing the ant threat.

And the microwave fell apart yesterday smiley - sadface Means I'm going to actually learn how to cook stuff.

Sorry if this all seems waffly and irrelevant to the conversation... for a minute I thought I was in my journal. I really don't know where I am... ARGH!

TKsmiley - pirate

I'm fed up of revising

Post 14

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

No Jamie for me, just boring farm stuff.

I'm doing AS Drama too, which practitioner did you study?

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Post 15

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Post 16

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Post 17

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I'm fed up of revising

Post 18

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Okay, if your doing the same syllabus as me, then you should have studied the theories and done a performance based on them, of one of these:



Can't remember who the other guy is, might be Bertolt Brecht.

I'm fed up of revising

Post 19


I'm revising for my last exam, with the title of Fluids and Waves. Rather fun. Not.

TKsmiley - pirate

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Post 20

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